I've developed quite the town-crush for this little spot. I knew nothing of it before...we ended up here quite by accident.
What an accident...I'll be adding many more photos to this thread when I get around to it.
The Harbour
The waterfront
Drake's Pool
The White House - well, that's what I called it...
To the Upper Road
This shed...it owes you nothing. Its been a boat shed here since before streetlights, before the combustion engine even.
The Harbour
The jetty
The boatyard
Last one out, turn out the lights
Leaving town by Drake's Pool
That streak of red; it's the tail lights of a car driving away. Long exposure photographs capture the full movement of light while the camera's shutter is open...but not really the moving objects themselves.
Half-way house - Upper Road
The last two photos were taken from the red dot on the following map from the Ordinance Survey Ireland - 1888-1913. Little has changed.
Dawn breaks
Once I got to a spot where I thought I might get a good vantage point for dawn, I set up the camera, and waited. It was a really overcast morning, and I wasn't optimistic that dawn's drama would stand a chance with the cloud cover.
Then, all of a sudden, the sky lit up...all yellow, orange and red. It only stayed that way for less than a minute, but made my endeavours all worthwhile.
Dawn should be obligatory...it does you good.